Functions from passwd module

Functions to support the change passwords module. Some example code:

my $user = passwd::find_user('joe');
if ($user) {
    passwd::change_password($user, 'smeg', 0);
can_edit_passwd( &user )

Returns 1 if the current Webmin user can change the password for the Unix user whose details are in the given hash ref, which is in the format returned by useradmin::list_users.

find_user( name )

Looks up the user structure for some name, in the useradmin, ldap-useradmin and nis modules, and returns it.

change_password( &user, pass, do-others )

Updates a user’s password. The required parameters are:

  • user - A hash ref of user details, in the format supplied by find_user
  • pass - The new password, in plain text
  • do-others - If set to 1, the password is changed in other Webmin modules too